Friday, June 12, 2009

~First Day in UK~

Finally, we reached Sheffield after 6 hours something flight from Kuala Lumpur to Ahu Bahbi, 2 hours transit and waiting at airport, 7 hours 45 minutes from Abu Dhabi to Manchester and lastly 2 hours from Manchester to Sheffied by coach. It was really a long journey that make peoples completely exhausted by sitting in plane with a seat that smaller than KKKL's seat.... lol... but the entertainment device did off set against the uncomfortable....

UK now having a nice weather which around 10 to 15 or 16 degree celsius it is just nice for us.

到宿舍之后,有senior给我们briefing还有分房间,我还有五个好朋友住在第四楼,真的是爬死我们啊!哈哈哈。。。过后senior带我们去吃华人餐厅的buffet吃, 还有city tour 去了解下环境然后才去买买我们的粮食,如果不要换去马币,东西都好便宜哦!

这里太阳好强但奇怪的是都不会热得,所以走多久都不会流汗,很舒服。。。这里的宿舍也很好,就跟酒店一样。。。所以大致上没什么好担心的啦。。。嘻嘻。 给你们看一些照片吧
city tour 的时候拍的。。。

从manchester to sheffield 路途上,要经过一个小时这样的大草原。。。



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